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Sorin Sabou

Letter to the Romans, Nicomachean Ethics, and more

Essential Questions in Hermeneutics

(1) In interpretation should we look primarily for another's mind, maybe the original creative act? Should we seek to know the surrounding socio-historical circumstances of the author? Perhaps we should seek a dialogue with something that the author could not have foreseen, and something that his or her circumstances cannot control, namely an experience in which we ask the text questions and it asks of us.
(2) Does misunderstanding and radical difference come first in every experience? Or does a common accord, however slight, pre-exist, thereby enabling understanding?
(3) To what degree should we rely on methods, principles, or laws of understanding?
(4) What does it mean to cultivate a critical and reflective attitude? Is that mutually exclusive from methods? What is the proper role, if any, of practical wisdom and personal responsibility in hermeneutics?
(5) Is interpretation an objective or subjective act? Perhaps it is neither. Perhaps it is a play, an intersubjective accord, or maybe even something so fluid that we cannot really call it anything specific at all.
(6) Is there then a correct interpretation? Maybe we should concern ourselves with the best interpretation possible at that moment. Further still, perhaps we should reject the idea of a correct or best interpretation and seek instead merely to enjoy reading for its pleasure value alone, recognizing that there is no real transhistorical or transcultural truth involved.
(7) What is the proper role of hermeneutics in theological and biblical interpretation?

Stanley E. Porter; Jason C. Robinson (2011). Hermeneutics: An Introduction to Interpretive Theory. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing. Kindle Edition.

Ștefan și hermeneutica respingerii

Apararea nu este niciodata usoara, mai ales cand de acceptarea ei iti atarna viata. Apararea lui Stefan a dus la moartea lui Stefan. Desi a fost respinsa este cea mai importanta cuvantare din cartea Fapte.
Acest barbat plin de Duhul Sfant si de intelepciune a invatat Biserica cum sa citeasca Legea si Proorocii. Hermeneutica lui Stefan a fost una care a focalizat lectura Scripturii nu tinand seama de temele poruncii si altarului, ci de temele promisiunii si implinirii, si cercetarii divine si respingerii.


În slujba adevărului

O raspundere fundamentala a bisericii este de a sustine cu tarie adevarul revelat al lui Dumnezeu. In acest context trebuie experimentatate relatiile dintre cei care sunt parte din familia lui Dumnezeu.
Adevarul lui Dumnezeu revelat in creatie, in Scripturi, si in mod deplin in Isus Cristos trebuie inteles, explicat si trait de catre biserica lui Dumnezeu.
